How long i din't blog already? Since when my grandmother in hospital~
How u all think my grandmother? Is her recover?
I hope she recover.....
It never and ever will recover~
She pass away already!!!
I can't believe that she will Pass Away,
cause she is very strong women!!
How come she will become like that!
I still remember that night, i care her at hospital...
She told many thing to me!
I care her whole night, i don't have sleep!
I give her drink water, help her massage !
That time i just feel, how my grandmother care me, say me and scold me!
I miss the memory that time!
I miss my grandmother cook LIANG CHA for me~
I miss my grandmother cook for me~
I miss my grandmother scold me and else...
I hope she come back~~~~~
I will always love you ahma!!
You always in my heart!! Never forget you~!!!
You is my beloved ahma
Who also can't remove you from my heart!!
When i write this.. My tear wanna come out~
Ok~ Pass it... later i real cry~!!!
Among half month i din't blog,
cause i too busy,
after my Ahma died,
I off to school 3 days,
cause i want back Tawau...
After back school,
all of my friend miss me (They said it)
all my classmate also say it (Konon)
At last month,
i undergo many thing!
That what i never forgot!!
I remember it and i hard to delete it!
Last night,
i went to my school concert...
I never go my school concert after form one!
Cause the concert damn bored!
Why i will go this year?
Because this year is my last year inside this school!
So go see see!!
This year concert still ok..
But the bad is VERY HOTTTTT!!!
I love the drama show!!
It real~ Woo.. Got nobody endding!
Tomorrow off school!
Special Holiday to all our school student, teacher and all the staff i think!
I saw my last post ... About my grandmother..
I feel sso! Aikx...
Dunno how to ssay!!!
This few day at school, all thing like different!
I also don't know how to say!
People, thing, and time i think~
Why like that?
I hope i can find it the answer!
What i want to do now?
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